
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together.


Kakva pitanja mogu postaviti ovdje?

This community is for professional and enthusiast users, partners and programmers. You can ask questions about:

  • kako instalirati Odoo na određenu infrastrukturu,
  • kako konfigurirati ili prilagoditi Odoo specifičnim poslovnim potrebama,
  • what's the best way to use Odoo for a specific business need,
  • kako razviti module za vlastite potrebe,
  • specific questions about Odoo service offers, etc.

Before you ask - please make sure to search for a similar question. You can search questions by their title or tags. It’s also OK to answer your own question.

Please avoid asking questions that are too subjective and argumentative or not relevant to this community.

Što trebam izbjegavati u svojim pitanjima?

You should only ask practical, answerable questions based on actual problems that you face. Chatty, open-ended questions diminish the usefulness of this site and push other questions off the front page.

Kako biste spriječili da vaše pitanje bude označeno i eventualno uklonjeno, izbjegavajte postavljanje subjektivnih pitanja gdje...

  • svaki odgovor je jednako važan: "Koja je vaša omiljena ______?"
  • your answer is provided along with the question, and you expect more answers: “I use ______ for ______, what do you use?”
  • ne postoji stvarni problem kojeg treba riješiti: "Znatiželja sam da li drugi ljudi osjećaju što i ja."
  • we are being asked an open-ended, hypothetical question: “What if ______ happened?”
  • it is a rant disguised as a question: “______ sucks, am I right?”

If you fit in one of these example or if your motivation for asking the question is “I would like to participate in a discussion about ______”, then you should not be asking here but on our mailing lists. However, if your motivation is “I would like others to explain ______ to me”, then you are probably OK.

(The above section was adapted from Stackoverflow’s FAQ.)

Još više:

  • Answers should not add or expand questions. Instead either edit the question or add a question comment.
  • Odgovor ne treba komentirati druge odgovore. Umjesto toga dodajte komentar na druge odgovore.
  • Answers shouldn't just point to other Questions. Instead add a question comment indication "Possible duplicate of...". However, it's ok to include links to other questions or answers providing relevant additional information.
  • Answers shouldn't just provide a link a solution. Instead provide the solution description text in your answer, even if it's just a copy/paste. Links are welcome, but should be complementary to answer, referring sources or additional reading.

Što trebam izbjegavati u svojim odgovorima?

Odgovori ne smiju dodati ili proširiti pitanja. Umjesto toga ili uredite pitanje ili dodajte komentar.

Odgovor ne treba komentirati druge odgovore. Umjesto toga dodajte komentar na druge odgovore.

Answers shouldn't just point to other questions. Instead add a comment indicating "Possible duplicate of...". However, it's fine to include links to other questions or answers providing relevant additional information.

Answers shouldn't just provide a link a solution. Instead provide the solution description text in your answer, even if it's just a copy/paste. Links are welcome, but should be complementary to answer, referring sources or additional reading.

Answers should not start debates This community Q&A is not a discussion group. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend to dilute the essence of questions and answers. For brief discussions please use commenting facility.

When a question or answer is upvoted, the user who posted them will gain some points, which are called "karma points". These points serve as a rough measure of the community trust to him/her. Various moderation tasks are gradually assigned to the users based on those points.

For example, if you ask an interesting question or give a helpful answer, your input will be upvoted. On the other hand if the answer is misleading - it will be downvoted. Each vote in favor will generate 10 points, each vote against will subtract 10 points. There is a limit of 200 points that can be accumulated for a question or answer per day. The table given at the end explains reputation point requirements for each type of moderation task.

Zašto drugi ljudi mogu urediti moja pitanja/odgovore?

Cilj ove stranice je stvoriti relevantnu bazu znanja koja će odgovoriti na pitanja povezana sa Odoo.

Therefore questions and answers can be edited like wiki pages by experienced users of this site in order to improve the overall quality of the knowledge base content. Such privileges are granted based on user karma level: you will be able to do the same once your karma gets high enough.

If this approach is not for you, please respect the community and use Google+ communities instead.

5 glasuj, dodaj komentare
50 downvote
30 insert text link, upload files
750 vaša biografija može bit vidljiva kao tooltip
50 obriši vlastiti komentar
100 označi kao uvrdljivo, zatvori vlastita pitanja
300 uredi objave, pogledaj uvredljive zastave
500 prihvati svaki odgovor
500 izbriši bilo koji komentar
500 zatvori sve objave
1.000 izbriši bilo koje pitanje ili odgovor

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This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of our products and services. Share and discuss the best content and new marketing ideas, build your professional profile and become a better marketer together. Natrag na Pomoć